Training for Chronic Pain, Anxiety, and Other Conditions
Biofeedback training is performed in-office and can help ease:
Biofeedback teaches YOU
How to improve your health and enhance sports performance through relaxation, mindfulness, and coherence. Where some dis-eases require a series of biofeedback sessions, some require a few. However, since biofeedback teaches you how to help yourself, once you learn how to implement the relaxation response, additional appointments are a choice.
Training is performed in a quiet setting at Tahoe Forest Center for Health in Truckee, CA. Each session is about 60 minutes long.
Q. What is the Relaxation Response that Biofeedback helps create?
Through biofeedback, you can learn techniques to help you during stressful or painful times. These techniques can assist your relaxation response and include:
- Heartbeat slows
- Blood pressure lowers
- Respiratory rate decreases
- Blood flows to the smaller capillaries
- Muscles relax
- Digestion increases
- Mouth becomes moist
- Brain thinking shifts
Q. What is the Stress Response that Biofeedback can help address?
Stress responses are what your body does under stress.
Stress responses include:
- Heartbeat speeds up
- Blood pressure raises
- Respiratory rate increases
- Blood flow increases to large muscles
- Muscles tense
- Digestion slows
- Mouth becomes dry
- Brain thinking shifts
Q. What are some Biofeedback sensors and tools Linda uses?
These are the Biofeedback sensors and techniques Linda uses:
- Diaphragmatic Breathing
- Skin Temperature
- Heart Rate/Blood Pressure
- Heart Rate Variability
- Skin Conductance
- Electromyogram
- Autogenic Relaxation
- Progressive Relaxation
- Systematic Desensitization